Personalised yoga, teacher training, movement therapy, and mindful nutrition advice in Bryanston

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Showing posts with label studio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label studio. Show all posts

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Where to from here?

I won't lie, I've been feeling a bit lost. There have been several changes in my life, vast majority of them great. But with change comes some instability, I guess. Readjusting to, playing around with, getting used to, and seeing the ripple effects of change.

In a yoga practice (and in life) you want change. That's what we strive for. Without change we'd be stagnant, stuck, with no growth. Change is something that we'd usually celebrate. Being able to hold a handstand when you were never previously able to, for example, would be a fantastic feeling! ("would be", because I still haven't gotten that right yet. Ugh.)

On the flip side though, not being able to do a back bend anymore when that was one of your best poses is also change, but more a change that needs to be dealt with and accepted (been there, done that). It can be seen as a 'negative' change. Or you could choose to see the lesson in it.

So where is the lesson in this instability and fear that I'm feeling? But also, why am I struggling with it when the changes themselves were so positive?

Staying grateful for the positivity is definitely something that I needed to learn (as is each little bit of progress on my handstand). Trusting that the change will lead to better things (and that it's not just the change itself that was good) requires a leap of faith. It also requires persistent effort to making the best of each new thing that arises. So, I guess I'm saying that I need to listen and look out for the positive more? Just keep on keeping on. Keep practicing. Keep doing the yoga.

So, with one foot in front of the other, slowly and steadily, I keep moving. Perhaps this week I'll teach more flow, to just keep going, quietly and mindfully.

Or something like that.

Almost sorta' got it... I mean, I can get up there, against a wall, but I'm still way off from actually holding it away from the wall...
blog classes health meditation mindfulness new new beginnings psychology studio yoga

Friday, 24 January 2020

Hello to new beginnings

If you've been following the website or our Facebook page, or you're a new or existing client, you'll have seen that things have changed a bit... We have a spectacular new studio in the most amazing setting.

I have had the immense privilege of partnering up and working with amazingly amazing women to help me on this new venture. I won't mention names, but you guys (should) know who you are! You all rock!

This whole turn around has also made me very much aware of how awesome many of my clients are. The support and understanding that I've gotten has been tremendous. I am absolutely sure that it will all be worth it once you see and start sessions in the new space. But thank you to you lovely people!

...this is sounding a bit like an Oscars thank you speech...

*music starts playing*

Come check out the incredible new space and the new extended timetable! And also our open day on the 7th of March... save the date so long, details will follow soon!

blog classes meditation mindfulness new new beginnings studio yoga yoga studio

Friday, 13 December 2019

Beginners yoga course

alignment anatomy beginners classes clients course new beginnings posture private special offer studio teaching workshop yoga yoga studio

Monday, 9 December 2019

(Actually) Letting go

So, again it’s been ages. Maybe this writing stuff down thing just isn’t for me? Even though I love it when I do manage to get into it… Or perhaps it’s just that too much happens that I want to write about that I just get overwhelmed. Or the fatigue from having an autoimmune icky-thing. Or just that it’s been a really busy period in my life. Who knows. Who really cares, and quite frankly, what does it even matter? Like, be in the present moment and stuff already.

So here I am with half an hour or so before my client arrives.

And letting go has been a big theme for me this year, but especially in the last few months. While letting go can be difficult and painful, hindsight reveals that it’s really well worth it, specifically in the sense of creating space for better things and people.

Where I’m really going with this ramble is that my studio space is moving to a bigger space that is also awesome and beautiful and wonderful! I’m going to be working closely with someone else who is also awesome and fabulous and will take some of the workload off, which might even make more space for me to type up my random thoughts! Perhaps then they will be more coherent and ordered :) It also means that I get to have a lounge again!!

In conclusion, if you happen to be reading this, and you happen to be in a place where you’re unsure of letting go of something that you’ve realised may not be great for you, stop hesitating and cut it loose. Besides, you never know what you might get in its place unless you go for it.

Namaste, peeps.

(Hahahahaha, I just saw and read my old blog post about knowing when to let go. Guess I finally decided to actually do it, albeit several months after the fact… all in good time, I guess!)

Image result for namaste
A definition, because meaning is important

blog mindfulness new beginnings studio teaching yoga

The death of me

In retrospect, the past two years have been horrendous. And as I type this, I realise that it's pretty much exactly two years ago that things started changing. Details are not important, but suffice it to say my mental and physical wellbeing were put to the test. There were times that I couldn’t see a way out, there were times when I almost gave up completely. Actually, there were times when I did give up. That resigning, letting go, surrendering.

It was my sister, and a fantastic friend who were always there to remind me that there was good, that I was good. Cuen was a pillar of support, completely unjudgmental, and always there if I needed to talk or vent or cry or find out how to go about admitting myself to a special hospital… Yes, times were rough. No, I didn’t actually go. Because I had support, all around me were caring and loving friends whom I could and did speak to. About everything. …I’m almost embarrassed to admit that there are some almost complete strangers that know my whole life story… Over share was not on my list of cares.

But looking back on it now, it was because of that openness and (over)-communication that I came through it all. Talking was the therapy that I needed to put things into perspective, and to move on. It was the support of good people that kept reminding me where I was headed, and where I needed to let go.

Now I totally get that talking isn’t the optimal choice for everyone, but I’ve also seen the absolute horror that can come from complete silence. We need people around us, to bounce ideas off of, to get different opinions, for support and care, a shoulder to cry on, or just someone to vent to. Friends or strangers or psychologists. Your choice. But choose one.

I think I’ve come through the darkness. I’m hesitant to say it out loud for fear of being smited by the good ol’ universe… But who I am now is so vastly different from who I was, and I am so much stronger, so much more confident, and so much more focused on my own life. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger is such a cliché, but it’s true.

(And in my modesty) It feels like I’m a phoenix, risen from the ashes. The death of who I was, was a necessary step to becoming who I am meant to be.

At least I hope that’s what it was.

Reaching for the stars.
Vasistasana is a great pose, and a strong pose. And the slipping sand makes it harder. Just like life. 

blog mindfulness new spring stillness studio yoga

Sunday, 29 July 2018

200hr vinyasa yoga teacher training

private special offer studio teacher training teaching yoga

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Intensive 200hr Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training

private special offer studio teacher training teaching yoga

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Exciting times!!

This week saw the end of our first yoga Teacher training one-month intensive course in Joburg!
The course was offered semi-privately, and one awesome student has been transformed into a fantastically promising teacher!

I'm so proud. And so excited to be starting the next two courses next week! Keeping busy with training teachers properly in anatomy and teaching, to give them the understanding required to adapt to a vast array of student levels, in hundreds of poses, in virtually any setting, in a professional and well-equipped manner.

Well done, Idelette, and thank you for being such an awesome first student of the Joburg-based off-shoot of the Wellness Connection 200-hour teacher training course!

Contact us for more details on said TT course - spaces fill up quickly! :)

anatomy blog studio teacher training yoga studio

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Travelling to you

Sometimes it's just plain impossible to get to a studio to do a class or a private session. Sometimes you're just not into that kind of thing. But there's a way that you can still gain the benefits of yoga, Pilates, or even a massage! We come to you, along with props, and massage tables, and STUFF! As long as you have the space and the time, we'll make a plan.
Sometimes it's just plain impossible to get to a studio to do a class or a private session. Sometimes you're just not into that kind of thing. But there's a way that you can still gain the benefits of yoga, Pilates, or even a massage! We come to you, along with props, and massage tables, and STUFF! As long as you have the space and the time, we'll make a plan.

We are based in Fourways. The travel service is provided at R50 added to the total session price. An extra charge may be added if more than 10km travelling is required.

The below map is an indication of the area we cover, but exact amount will be discussed on a per client/session/package basis. Please don't hesitate to contact us to discuss what you need.


massage pilates private studio teaching yoga

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