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Yoga tails recent blogposts


Private and semi-private yoga

Yoga is a multifaceted, rejuvenating practise. The focus can be on meditation, flexibility, strength, or a combination of these. Alignment is strongly emphasised to avoid injury and to maximise the effectiveness of your practise. Each session is finished with a five minute Svasana, where you lie still and focus on your breath. This same element of stillness and body and breath awareness is encouraged throughout the session, to achieve something akin to a moving meditation. Sessions are tailored to your level, be it restorative, absolute beginner or advanced. More info can be found here.

Group yoga

Group classes are an affordable way to explore your connection between mind and body. Our expertly trained instuctors will guide you mindfully through whichever modality you’ve decided to try out, with specific attention to any injuries or alignment issues that you might have. Find out more about times and prices.

Bakasana - Not quite as challenging as it looks... it's one of the easier arm balances, but looks impressive, especially if you can straighten out your arms. Strong abdominals, shoulders, and hip flexors are very useful here. As are long arms. And short legs.

Vinyasa slow

A slow flow through a combination of mindfully sequenced yoga poses. The focus is on control and focus through movement, both in and between poses. Vinyasa classes are on throughout the week (Mon - Sat).

Take it slow with us
Sirsasana variation - Holding the legs horizontally is great work for the abdominals and hip flexors, as long as the shoulders are strong enough to avoid strain being placed on the neck. ...the safety of doing this on beach sand is questionable :)

Yin gin Friday

A slow flow class coupled with some G&T afterwards to help you relax into the weekend. Starts at 5pm on Fridays.

Get that Friday feeling
Sirsasana I variation - The same applies as for normal sirsasana I, and even more so. Make sure that your shoulders are properly engaged before playing around with your legs. They're heavy things! That said, garudasana legs are meant to be nice and compact, which has less of an impact on balance than something like doing splits while in headstand.

HIIT yoga

Cardio and aerobic movements combined with mindful and controlled yoga postures to give you both muscle tone and heart health cardio. HIIT classes are offered most days (Tues - Fri).

HIIT it with us!
Navasana - Works your hip flexors more than the abdominals. Try ardha navasana if you want better abdominal activation. Also, kepping the chest lifted is the aim, and also makes holding the posture more challenging.

Yoga-Pilates fusion

A combination of two similar-yet-different movement modalities with emphasis on ‘core’ (abdominal, pelvic floor and back muscle) strength. Classes are on Wednesday and Friday mornings.

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Eka padarajakapotasana variation - Again, long arms to the rescue! A beautiful show-off pose if you have the shoulder, back, and hip flexor flexibility. Next step is facing forwards, getting the foot on the head, and then straightening out the front leg in splits...

Pregnancy yoga

Gentle classes aimed at helping women throughout their pregnancy, to gain appropriate strength and flexibility as well as calming and centering both body and mind. Sessions run on Tuesday and Thursday late mornings.

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Sirsasana I - Strong shoulders help to protect the neck, while engaging the legs up towards the sky helps with the balance. Keep the elbows drawing towards each other, and in line with the shoulders to have them properly activated.

Yoga for athletes

Small focused classes giving you the balance needed between strength and flexibility to optimize your performance. Sessions offered on Monday and Thursday mornings.

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Navasana - Works your hip flexors more than the abdominals. Try ardha navasana if you want better abdominal activation. Also, kepping the chest lifted is the aim, and also makes holding the posture more challenging.

Stretch and restorative

Gentle classes for those needing to focus on muscle and tension release. Classes are on Wednesday and Sunday afternoons.

Stretch it out with us

Where we offer Yoga


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