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Yoga tails recent blogposts

Showing posts with label yoga studio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yoga studio. Show all posts

Friday, 24 January 2020

Hello to new beginnings

If you've been following the website or our Facebook page, or you're a new or existing client, you'll have seen that things have changed a bit... We have a spectacular new studio in the most amazing setting.

I have had the immense privilege of partnering up and working with amazingly amazing women to help me on this new venture. I won't mention names, but you guys (should) know who you are! You all rock!

This whole turn around has also made me very much aware of how awesome many of my clients are. The support and understanding that I've gotten has been tremendous. I am absolutely sure that it will all be worth it once you see and start sessions in the new space. But thank you to you lovely people!

...this is sounding a bit like an Oscars thank you speech...

*music starts playing*

Come check out the incredible new space and the new extended timetable! And also our open day on the 7th of March... save the date so long, details will follow soon!

blog classes meditation mindfulness new new beginnings studio yoga yoga studio

Friday, 13 December 2019

Beginners yoga course

alignment anatomy beginners classes clients course new beginnings posture private special offer studio teaching workshop yoga yoga studio

Monday, 9 December 2019

About Janine

Janine studied at Wits, where she qualified as an advanced Aesthetician, specializing in Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Sports Massage. Not only has she worked as a Doula, volunteering her time and passion at the Hilbrow maternity unit delivering babies, she has qualified to be a Yoga Instructor through The Wellness Connection. Her Yoga qualification is certified internationally with the Yoga Alliance.

Janine studied at Wits, where she qualified as an advanced Aesthetician, specializing in Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Sports Massage. Not only has she worked as a Doula, volunteering her time and passion at the Hilbrow maternity unit delivering babies, she has qualified to be a Yoga Instructor through The Wellness Connection. Her Yoga qualification is certified internationally with the Yoga Alliance.

Jan is dedicated and passionate, and strives to do her best in everything she does. She won’t rest until she is satisfied with the results. Her work ethic and immense willpower are profoundly tangible when around her, creating a Yoga environment which brings out the best in every individual.

"A quote from The Bhagavad Gita: “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self”. This describes Yoga in just a few words, however to ensure your journey of self is on the right track, I will strive to give you the perfect opportunity to control your body and mind, therefore making your Yoga experience one of a kind."

Janine was born on April 1st, 1972. She is happily married with three beautiful children; Twin boys who are in their final years of School, and a daughter who is dancing professionally in Scotland with a touring Ballet company.

classes new beginnings private teaching yoga yoga studio

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Exciting times!!

This week saw the end of our first yoga Teacher training one-month intensive course in Joburg!
The course was offered semi-privately, and one awesome student has been transformed into a fantastically promising teacher!

I'm so proud. And so excited to be starting the next two courses next week! Keeping busy with training teachers properly in anatomy and teaching, to give them the understanding required to adapt to a vast array of student levels, in hundreds of poses, in virtually any setting, in a professional and well-equipped manner.

Well done, Idelette, and thank you for being such an awesome first student of the Joburg-based off-shoot of the Wellness Connection 200-hour teacher training course!

Contact us for more details on said TT course - spaces fill up quickly! :)

anatomy blog studio teacher training yoga studio

Wednesday, 25 October 2017


Last night, I just could not get to sleep. My new Fitbit (I needed a watch, and I needed a heart rate monitor, and then I also got a sleep analysis thing with it!! Yay for bonus things that I didn't even knew I needed (or wanted) until I got them!) says that I only got to sleep at 12:30. Which was really late, considering that I was in bed at 9:45 pm... Okay, typing it out now makes it seem like it wasn't actually that long... but it felt pretty awful.

Anyways. The really good thing that came of my stint with insomnia was a burst of work that I managed to do! It was agony lying in bed, trying to relax and fall asleep, so I got up, and went and sat on the couch instead. And I typed out a loooong email of to-do's: mainly things to change on the website, and exciting new things to advertise... 😁 The more I thought about it, the more weird and wonderful ideas came to mind! It was amazing!
Except.... now I can't remember any of them... 😨🙊

Kidding! I can! And I am sooo excited to be rolling out all my new ideas to the lovely people out there that need me in their lives (even if they don't know it yet 😉)

So, keep an eye on the Facebook page, and the glorious website, and be prepared to be blown away by all the awesomeness that my exhausted late night brain came up with!

Looking at things from a different perspective often helps. Like an exhausted brain. Apparently that helps. Though, I wouldn't recommend it... *

* This does also not include the unmentioned fact that I sent messages/ emails to two clients that I had to then rectify in the morning, because I hadn't thought them through properly... we live and we learn...
blog new new beginnings teacher training yoga studio

Friday, 29 September 2017

Time flies

It's been a very busy time for me and my little business. There's been some serious personal growth (which I may or may not go into more detail on in the near future), loads of little hiccups and 'technical difficulties', and even more new friends, connections, and places. The business side of things has seen more classes, lots of subbing (filling in for other teachers - getting with the lingo :-p), setting up and moving studios (yes, in that order, unfortunately), new and excited clients, and, most recently, the decision to go ahead with my first Yoga teacher training here in Johannesburg!!

I've run/ assisted on several teacher training courses at the stunning Hout Bay studio, the Wellness Connection, but that was with a massively supportive team of amazing people. This here is more like my own baby... The course is still being run through the same studio, and I do have their guidance and support (because they're just THAT amazing), but it's pretty much all in my hands. And I am SO excited.

Ever since I started assisting with TT courses (TT = teacher training. Lingo, man), I was hooked. I love teaching yoga, and getting people to connect with their bodies, experiment to see what their bodies can (and can't) do, and to start appreciating and loving their bodies more. But teaching people to pass that same thing on to others... it's pure magic. The most fulfilling part of my yoga journey so far. By far.

So, here's holding thumbs that it all works out! =) Eeeeeeeek!!

Me, trying to blend in with the Strelitzias. Is it working?!

Aaaand me practicing my Paint skills at 2am to advertise this fantastic TT course!

blog new beginnings teacher training teaching yoga studio

Thursday, 31 August 2017


It's been a ridiculous journey over the past few months to get to this point. Like a winter hibernation filled with procrastination, and planning, preparing, practicing, and playing. And now it's spring. And with it comes the blossoming and blooming of all the winter's efforts. Hopefully.

Yoga has this phenomenal ability to bring to light what's needed in your life. I've been struggling with standing balances in my practice lately, and lo and behold, when I did some introspection I found my focusses to be wholey unbalanced! So, with srping comes the end to my procrastination and planning, and a shift to doing. Putting into action all that has been cumulating over the past few months.

Enter The DAVINCI. This coming Saturday marks the start of an amazing adventure and partnership. Every time I have a meeting related to this venture I get silly-crazy excited about the prospects! A beautiful setting where I get to work with lots of people to bring yoga to their lives! And such an amazing team of people that I get to work with to make this all become a reality!

Then, starting on Monday, the opening of a collaborated studio in Northriding. I'll be working alongside my colleague and friend, as well as a fully fledged dance school to make yoga more accesible to parents of children attending dance classes (or anyone else in the vicinity who wants to join!), and hopefully, maybe, possibly, getting some of the dancer kiddies involved in yoga, too! How awesome?!

And then there's the launch of my spectacular new website!! =) Cannot contain the excitement!! Let spring BEGIN!!

blog new beginnings spring yoga yoga studio

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Yoga and breakfast at the DAVINCI

outdoor special offer yoga yoga studio

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