It's been a ridiculous journey over the past few months to get to this point. Like a winter hibernation filled with procrastination, and planning, preparing, practicing, and playing. And now it's spring. And with it comes the blossoming and blooming of all the winter's efforts. Hopefully.
Yoga has this phenomenal ability to bring to light what's needed in your life. I've been struggling with standing balances in my practice lately, and lo and behold, when I did some introspection I found my focusses to be wholey unbalanced! So, with srping comes the end to my procrastination and planning, and a shift to doing. Putting into action all that has been cumulating over the past few months.
Enter The DAVINCI. This coming Saturday marks the start of an amazing adventure and partnership. Every time I have a meeting related to this venture I get silly-crazy excited about the prospects! A beautiful setting where I get to work with lots of people to bring yoga to their lives! And such an amazing team of people that I get to work with to make this all become a reality!
Then, starting on Monday, the opening of a collaborated studio in Northriding. I'll be working alongside my colleague and friend, as well as a fully fledged dance school to make yoga more accesible to parents of children attending dance classes (or anyone else in the vicinity who wants to join!), and hopefully, maybe, possibly, getting some of the dancer kiddies involved in yoga, too! How awesome?!
And then there's the launch of my spectacular new website!! =) Cannot contain the excitement!! Let spring BEGIN!!