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Showing posts with label teacher training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teacher training. Show all posts

Sunday 29 July 2018

200hr vinyasa yoga teacher training

private special offer studio teacher training teaching yoga

Tuesday 17 July 2018

Intensive 200hr Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training

private special offer studio teacher training teaching yoga

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Planting seeds

So, I love gardening. I'm actually currently in the middle of packing up my current home to move to a place with an actual garden (an actual garden as opposed to the garden of pot plants that I have foresting on my balconies).

And I recently planted a bunch of bulbs in little pots, along with lots of help from my dad who had the idea to sell little plants that are, in one way or another, related to yoga - combining two of my passions!

So, with all this green stuff happening around me (that's not to mention the new promo from Checkers where you get a little plant kit for every R150 that you spend there), I was tickled by the analogy coming up in one of the teacher training courses. A student referred to one of her favourite teachers 'planting seeds' in terms of where an easier yoga pose may be leading to. And I have fallen in love with said analogy (thank you, Sean, whose classes I am yet to go try out). The idea that your yoga practice is a young sapling, and little bud, or a very fresh new flower, or even just the sprouting roots of a newly planted clove of garlic! It has so much potential, as long as it is cared for, nurtured, and nourished. The plant doesn't rush ahead of itself to become a tree, or a gorgeous blooming flower. It takes its time. It feeds off of the nutrients around it. It struggles when it doesn't get enough light, or soil, or water. But it also thrives again when it does receive what it needs. But it takes time. Like any good and long-lasting yoga practice. It takes time, and care, and attention.
My cabbage seedlings from Checkers!! No idea
where I'm going to plant them when they get bigger....
A plant from my gran's garden that's FINALLY
started growing it's own little leaves!!

Lots of little seedlings making their way into
the big world!
Awwww, little heart-shaped leaves budding
from little bulbs under the soil :)
alignment blog mindfulness outdoor special offer teacher training teaching yoga

Thursday 15 February 2018

Exciting times!!

This week saw the end of our first yoga Teacher training one-month intensive course in Joburg!
The course was offered semi-privately, and one awesome student has been transformed into a fantastically promising teacher!

I'm so proud. And so excited to be starting the next two courses next week! Keeping busy with training teachers properly in anatomy and teaching, to give them the understanding required to adapt to a vast array of student levels, in hundreds of poses, in virtually any setting, in a professional and well-equipped manner.

Well done, Idelette, and thank you for being such an awesome first student of the Joburg-based off-shoot of the Wellness Connection 200-hour teacher training course!

Contact us for more details on said TT course - spaces fill up quickly! :)

anatomy blog studio teacher training yoga studio

Wednesday 25 October 2017


Last night, I just could not get to sleep. My new Fitbit (I needed a watch, and I needed a heart rate monitor, and then I also got a sleep analysis thing with it!! Yay for bonus things that I didn't even knew I needed (or wanted) until I got them!) says that I only got to sleep at 12:30. Which was really late, considering that I was in bed at 9:45 pm... Okay, typing it out now makes it seem like it wasn't actually that long... but it felt pretty awful.

Anyways. The really good thing that came of my stint with insomnia was a burst of work that I managed to do! It was agony lying in bed, trying to relax and fall asleep, so I got up, and went and sat on the couch instead. And I typed out a loooong email of to-do's: mainly things to change on the website, and exciting new things to advertise... 😁 The more I thought about it, the more weird and wonderful ideas came to mind! It was amazing!
Except.... now I can't remember any of them... 😨🙊

Kidding! I can! And I am sooo excited to be rolling out all my new ideas to the lovely people out there that need me in their lives (even if they don't know it yet 😉)

So, keep an eye on the Facebook page, and the glorious website, and be prepared to be blown away by all the awesomeness that my exhausted late night brain came up with!

Looking at things from a different perspective often helps. Like an exhausted brain. Apparently that helps. Though, I wouldn't recommend it... *

* This does also not include the unmentioned fact that I sent messages/ emails to two clients that I had to then rectify in the morning, because I hadn't thought them through properly... we live and we learn...
blog new new beginnings teacher training yoga studio

Friday 29 September 2017

Time flies

It's been a very busy time for me and my little business. There's been some serious personal growth (which I may or may not go into more detail on in the near future), loads of little hiccups and 'technical difficulties', and even more new friends, connections, and places. The business side of things has seen more classes, lots of subbing (filling in for other teachers - getting with the lingo :-p), setting up and moving studios (yes, in that order, unfortunately), new and excited clients, and, most recently, the decision to go ahead with my first Yoga teacher training here in Johannesburg!!

I've run/ assisted on several teacher training courses at the stunning Hout Bay studio, the Wellness Connection, but that was with a massively supportive team of amazing people. This here is more like my own baby... The course is still being run through the same studio, and I do have their guidance and support (because they're just THAT amazing), but it's pretty much all in my hands. And I am SO excited.

Ever since I started assisting with TT courses (TT = teacher training. Lingo, man), I was hooked. I love teaching yoga, and getting people to connect with their bodies, experiment to see what their bodies can (and can't) do, and to start appreciating and loving their bodies more. But teaching people to pass that same thing on to others... it's pure magic. The most fulfilling part of my yoga journey so far. By far.

So, here's holding thumbs that it all works out! =) Eeeeeeeek!!

Me, trying to blend in with the Strelitzias. Is it working?!

Aaaand me practicing my Paint skills at 2am to advertise this fantastic TT course!

blog new beginnings teacher training teaching yoga studio

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