So, I haven't written for a while. It started out as a mild form of writers block, that then escalated to getting absolutely frustrated with not being able to properly convey my sentiments. In fact, the previous blog that was posted was written after this one. My frustrations led me to ask a good friend, who happened to be excellent at language and communication and bullshitting his way through meetings that had everyone believing that he was an expert in the field, to read through the rough draft and try to help me figure out what I wasn't portraying properly. He gave some excellent feedback. That was then followed by a large dose of procrastination on my part, as well as a move to a new studio space that took ages and so much effort and time.
Anyway, long story short, three days after I had moved to my new place and started getting settled, I got a message to say that my friend, the same excellent grammarian, had died in a motorbike accident.
From there, you can probably imagine why it's taken so long to get back into my blogging. Even now as I type I'm wondering if things are blurry because of my recently diagnosed astigmatism, or from the tears welling up, once again, even though it has been nearly four months.
I'll probably write another post about him, but for now, let's get on with the post of all posts, the dagger in my heart.
(Oh, also, I don't have the guts yet to post this myself, so just a quick shout out to my sister for being a rock star support. I love you.)
It never rains, it pours.